The pungent smell that comes from the armpits can be avoided without the use of powder and deodorant. Excessive underarm odor can be prevented from appearing by always maintaining cleanliness and excessive sweating. So what causes excessive armpit odor?
Begin to understand that the cause of armpit odor is sweat that meets bacteria in the armpit area itself. Sweat in the armpits arises due to the influence of apocrine glands that work to sweat to keep the body cool. Naturally, the sweat released by the apocrine glands is odorless.
The cause of excessive sweat odor is not far from what has been explained, namely the presence of sweat that meets bacteria. In order to better understand it, here are about the causes of excessive underarm odor, the influencing factors, and how to properly overcome it.
What Causes Excessive Armpit Odor?
What causes underarm odor? The cause of the odor when is the beginning to sweat that comes into contact with bacteria in the body. While the appearance of sweat that is a factor that causes armpit odor is to cool the body that feels hot.
There are two sources of sweat, according to the location on the human body. First, it is influenced by the presence of eccrine glands. Second, it is influenced by the presence of apocrine glands.
Eccrine glands are all over the body that sweat to cool the body. Eccrine glands can be the cause of underarm odor if the resulting sweat is broken down by bacteria and dripping up to the armpits.
While apocrine glands can only be found on parts of the body that are overgrown with hair such as the armpits and groin. Apocrine glands sweat to cool the area.
This is the main causative factor of underarm odor. Sweat produced by apocrine glands that come into contact with bacteria in the area is the real cause of underarm odor. Apocrine glands can secrete milk-like fluid when stressed.
When you already understand the main cause of armpit odor is the encounter of bacteria with sweat glands in the apocrine glands.
Next, what causes excessive armpit odor to appear?
The cause of excessive underarm odor arises because bacteria in the body are too much, for example, when a person does not bathe twice a day, after outdoor activities for a long time, and other activities that are at risk of getting a lot of exposure to bacteria.
In addition, the cause of excessive underarm odor also arises because the sweat produced by apocrine and eccrine glands that meet and break down bacteria is very excessive. What are the factors that cause excessive sweating that causes excessive underarm odor?
Here are The factors in the appearance of excessive sweating that causes excessive underarm odor:
Experiencing Stress
Certain emotions and psychological conditions can make a person sweat. These conditions are like anger, fear, shame, anxiety, and emotional stress. When stressed, the hormone cortisol can rise and increase the sweat glands to secrete the fluid.
Food Factors
A diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein can be the cause of wet and odor armpits. Foods high in protein require an active metabolism by the body and can increase the chances of increased body odor.
Spicy and hot foods can also trigger excessive sweating. Caffeine, sugar, and alcohol can also affect body odor.
Hot Temperature
Increased body temperature or weather is the main cause of increased sweating that causes wet and odor armpits.
Strenuous Activity
Having a lot of activity can trigger a lot of sweat production. Strenuous activity can cause the body to sweat and body odor.
Hormonal fluctuations associated with menopause can also trigger sweating. Menopausal women often experience night sweats and sweating during hot flashes.
Hyperhidrosis is the condition of the body sweating excessively. People with hyperhidrosis have excessive sweating, especially in the hands, feet, and armpits. Hyperhidrosis can be caused by a genetic disorder or other health condition.
Certain Health Conditions
Sweating can also be caused by the use of certain medications and diseases, such as cancer, fever, infection, hypoglycemia, diabetes, thyroid, gout, and obesity.
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The use of clothing materials such as acrylic or polyester can trigger wet and odor armpits. This is because the material of these clothes can prevent sweat to evaporate.
How to stop excessive armpit odor
The easiest way to overcome excessive underarm odor is to maintain body hygiene and keep the body temperature to remain normal or not overheated. It can also be by utilizing fragrances such as powder and deodorant used on the armpits so that the smell does not spread.
Here are other ways how to overcome excessive underarm odor:
Using Cucumbers
How to get rid of the strong armpit odor with cucumbers is to use cucumbers as a mask on the armpits. Use it twice a week on a regular basis.
Using Apple Vinegar
How to get rid of the pungent underarm odor with apple vinegar is to apply it with cotton on the armpits. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse. After that, take a shower.
Use each before bathing.
Using Lime
How to apply it is very easy. Just need to cut it in half and make sure the knife has been washed thoroughly. If you have applied lime like using deodorant at the time. Use it after bathing as a substitute for deodorant.
Using Betel Leaves
Try to bathe with betel leaf decoction water. Take a few sheets of betel leaves and then boil with 2 glasses of water. After that, mix it in the tub of water that will be used for bathing. Do it regularly, then the pungent underarm odor will soon disappear and can be prevented from arriving.
Using Basil Leaves
Essential oil in basil is believed to be used as a way to get rid of the pungent underarm odor. Basil also serves as an antiseptic. Try to use it as a dish. Simply a handful of basil every morning and evening.