![How To Keep a Healthy Circulatory System](https://www.infosehatkeluarga.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/How-To-Keep-a-Healthy-Circulatory-System-702x351.jpg)
How To Keep a Healthy Circulatory System – When blood flow to the body is reduced due to some of certain conditions, it will cause symptoms due to diseases of the circulatory system.
The circulatory system consists of the heart and blood vessels, including arterial, venous, and capillary blood vessels. The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system, with the function of pumping blood throughout the body.
Given the importance of the circulatory system in its function of distributing food nutrients to all parts of the body, it is necessary to maintain its health.
Here is a summary of how to maintain the health of the circulatory system
How To Keep a Healthy Circulatory System
Paying Attention to Nutrient Intake for the Body
As for the nutrients that are important for the blood, among others:
Folic acid
Folic acid serves to help the metabolic process in the body. These sources of nutrients are found in many green leafy fruits and vegetables such as oranges, bananas, spinach, radishes, and nuts.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, lower blood pressure, and maintain the health of blood vessels so as not to become clogged.
These nutrients we can find from various types of food such as salmon, soybeans, walnuts.
Arginine serves to help create healthy blood flow, namely by making blood vessels relax. The body is able to produce arginine so that for some people do not need to eat foods that contain a lot of these substances.
Arginine is found in several types of foods such as almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, chocolate, peanuts, raisins, brown rice, corn, and wheat.
Fiber serves to help lower the spike in sugar in the blood, namely by slowing the digesting carbohydrates in the body. To get a source of fiber can be from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts.
Iron helps the production of red blood cells. The source of these nutrients is obtained from vegetables and fruits such as spinach, fish, and eggs.
Avoid foods that contain a lot of salt and sugar
Too much salt can cause hypertension or high blood pressure. Meanwhile, eating too many foods that contain sugar can cause an increase in blood sugar levels.
Doing Exercises Regularly
Doing physical movements by exercising makes the muscles of the body stronger. Not only that, by exercising the metabolism in the body will run smoothly.
Basically, when the body’s metabolism runs normally, each part will function according to its role. However, if there is only one part of the body that does not function then health will be disrupted.
Avoiding Alcohol Consumption
Consuming drinks that contain a lot of alcohol in excess can cause an increase in blood pressure. The most severe effect is the loss of self-control or consciousness.
This allows a person to commit a crime.
Stay away from cigarettes
The dangers of smoking both active and passive smokers have been widely explained. Passive smokers are people who do not smoke, but inhale cigarette smoke.
Nicotine in cigarettes is carcinogenic, so it has a risk of causing cancer cells in the lungs. In addition, nicotine can damage the heart.
Limiting Fat Intake
Eating too much fat, especially saturated fat in food has an effect that is not good for blood health. Consuming too much of the content of these types of fat, will cause damage to blood vessels and the heart.
Some foods that contain saturated fat include beef, chicken, palm oil, milk, cheese, and butter.
Eating these foods is allowed in small amounts because fat is also needed by the body.
Seeking Information about Blood Health
Information about blood health can be obtained by actively reading books, consulting a doctor directly, or finding out over the internet.
Routinely Participate in Blood Donation Activities
In addition to helping fellow humans, blood donation can maintain blood health. It is planned that if the blood is donated then the spinal cord immediately produces new, healthier red blood cells.