The symptoms of heart disease need to be known early in order to get further treatment immediately. Heart disease is a condition that indicates a disturbance in the vital organs of the heart. Heart disease can be caused by an infection or birth defect.
There are various types of heart disease, including coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart muscle disorders, heart infections, heart valve disease, to congenital heart disease. Of the different types of heart disease, have different heart disease characteristics.
In some cases, some people do not realize they are experiencing heart disease. Because, the characteristics of heart disease are sometimes similar to colds, indigestion, or respiratory problems.
Here is an explanation of the characteristics of heart disease that are often ignored and need to be watched out for.
Symptoms of heart disease
Discomfort in the chest
In addition to pain, discomfort in the chest that characterizes heart pain can also be a sense of tightness, chest feels like being pressed, pinched, squeezed, or feel hot. Discomfort in the chest related to heart disease generally lasts a long time and appears for several minutes.
This characteristic of heart disease can appear suddenly, either while at rest or on the move. If the discomfort in the chest lasts only a short time and heals after the source is suppressed, it could be unrelated to heart disease. Keep in mind, women usually do not experience chest pain when exposed to heart disease.
Pain up to the arm
In addition to discomfort in the chest, another characteristic of heart disease is pain that runs to the arm to the left part of the body. This pain and discomfort from the chest is generally most noticeable to spread to the arm.
Pain extends to the jaw or back
Pain in the throat or jaw is usually related to muscle pain, sinus disorders, or the flu. But, discomfort in the chest that runs to the throat, jaw, up to the back can be a symptom of a heart attack. This includes health emergencies. Take the patient to the hospital to make sure everything is okay.
The heart rate is often irregular or fast
An irregular heartbeat or too fast can also be a characteristic of heart disease. During this time, many people are not paying attention to his heart rate and only measure his blood pressure. If the heart is often pounding or irregular, it’s time to be vigilant and do an examination of the doctor.
Stomach pain or indigestion
Many people with heart disease feel signs similar to indigestion such as heat and pain in the chest or upper abdomen (heartburn). This is due to the location of the heart, throat, and stomach positioned close to each other. If there is indigestion accompanied by other heart disease characteristics, immediately consult a doctor.
Headache and Dizziness
Headache and dizziness usually appear because the body loses balance or limps. Other causes of headache and dizziness can also come from a lack of intake of certain foods or drinks. In addition, the head can also be lightheaded and dizzy when a person suddenly stands up or gets out of a sleeping and standing position.
But, you need to be vigilant if the head suddenly lightheaded and dizziness accompanied by discomfort in the chest and other heart disease characteristics. That could mean blood pressure drops because the heart can’t pump blood normally.
Easily tired
Heart disorders can make sufferers easily tired or out of breath, even though they do not do anything heavy. Suppose going up the stairs, carrying goods from inside the house to the vehicle, or walking some distance away. These tired physical changes are usually without a clear cause and feel extreme for several days. Characteristics of heart disease easily tired is usually experienced by women.
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The next characteristic of heart disease is snoring. Snoring is normal during sleep. But, beware of very loud snoring and occasionally panting or choking. This can be a sign that the body stops breathing for a moment during sleep. This condition can put extra pressure on the heart.
Frequent cold sweat
The release of cold sweats without a clear cause can also be a characteristic of heart disease. Be careful when cold sweats often come out accompanied by other symptoms above. Don’t delay anymore to see a doctor.
The characteristics of coughing in heart disease usually last for a long time. In addition, coughing in heart disease is also accompanied by the discharge of white or pink mucus. This condition is caused by the heart cannot pump blood throughout the body and blood seeps back to the lungs.
Swollen feet
When the heart is unable to pump blood at its usual speed, blood can return to the veins. This makes it difficult for the kidneys to remove excess water and sodium from the body. The impact, some parts of the body, especially the lower part such as the feet become swollen.
Sometimes, the feeling of shortness of breath and chest pain felt by people with heart disease to make choking. This choking arises from the pressure near the throat. If you feel choking and other heart problems, call your doctor immediately.
Not feeling well
Another characteristic of heart disease that is often not realized is feeling unwell. This body’s sense of absence initially arises from chest pain, or nausea such as during a cold. The difference is, not feeling well in heart disease often appears suddenly and without a clear cause.